Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)
Intuition, Awareness, Focus
Blocked by Illusion
Focus Pose: Downward Facing Dog
This pose lets your focus move inwards as it allows you to feel calm and centred, grounding down through the hands, lifting up through the sit bones, lengthening the back of your body, head dropping down and attention at your third eye. It helps to promote a calm inner world as you physically block the outside world.

Contains the calmative properties of lemon myrtle, rosemary, juniper & sage which are known to increase and improve both mental stability and relaxation. They promote a sense of attentiveness and enhance memory recollection.
LEMON MYRTLE is an Australian native tree indigenous to the sub-tropical rainforests of Queensland. It is the world’s richest known natural source of citral. A delicious lemonade smelling scented essential oil that helps boost the immune system. Described as a blend of Lemongrass, Lime and Lemon, it is a powerful antioxidant, anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-fungal, more so than Tea Tree. A great tool to have to support your health. Herbal tea made from a lemon myrtle leaf in hot water is a tasty anti-microbial drop which can help kill or stop the spread of germs.
ROSEMARY is used to enhance creativity, mental clarity, and is great for manifesting positive outcome. Traditionally rosemary is known to help with memory.
JUNIPER is purifying, cleansing and a natural detoxifier helping to relieve fluid retention. Uplifts a stagnant mind and alleviates negative thoughts, releases tension and restores self-worth. Also assists with clairvoyance. Juniper is used in Gin.
SAGE cleanses both body and mind, promotes inner wisdom and sharpens the senses. Good for meditation and visualisation because it strengthens intuition. A smoking bundle of sage (known as a smudge stick) is a powerful tool used for centuries by Native Americans to revitalise, cleanse and heal by reducing negative energy and regenerate fresh, positive vibes.
To use:
Simply apply Sacred Chi roll-on balm to pulse points or use the essential oil blend and place a few drops into a diffuser to enhance and gain the full benefit of your yoga practice.
Other Essential Oils for the Throat Chakra: