Make the most of these 14 days

You’re home should be a sanctuary
your inner world reflects your outer world
so make it harmonious

Complete unfinished projects that you did nt have time to do or start something NEW & exciting you have always wanted to do

Declutter throughout, room by room, drawer by drawer, eliminate all the things that no longer serve you, ditch broken items, donate clothes that are outdated or no longer fit you, get your winter clothes ready if you haven’t already, clean out the pantry & the fridge, toss expired food, tidy the bathroom cabinets & check all the medications are still in date, toss expired toiletries, organise the garage
clean like a demon

Make good use of the kids this school holidays if you can, chores & pocket money to help sorting
as well as keeping them busy & out of your hair

Cull your photos, deleted old emails & messages


Potter in the garden if you have one

Join an online Yoga or Pilates class - Sammy Dorahy - Louise Eddy
Cleanse your aura in the ocean if you can

Have FaceTime with your favourites people

Take a walk in nature

Start an online course

Diffuse immune boosting essential oils

Sage & cleanse the energy in your home

Fix up your financials & tidy accounts ready for end of financial year

Pamper yourself - take a bath, put on a face mask, do a body exfoliation, do your nails, take a nap

Avoid the negative paranoid plebs that try to sink you with their fear mongering tactics

Celebrate yourself with bubbles at the end

To book a professional feng shui consultation, check out: