More info on smudging and space clearing

What is smudging or space clearing?
A smoking bundle of sage (known as a smudge stick) is a powerful tool - used for centuries by Native Americans to revitalise, cleanse and heal.
Space Clearing is an integral part of Feng Shui which reduces negative ions in the atmosphere. The Sacred Scent Smudge Stick or Sacred Chi Room Spray can be used to cleanse and clear dormant negative energy and regenerates fresh, positive vibes by promoting good Feng Shui. By using this powerful tool in a 'smudging ceremony' it will also cleanse and purify the physical and spiritual bodies by removing negative energy and releasing toxicity and cleansing the aura and chakras. This will bring relief, harmony and peace into your life and to your space.
Why should I do a sacred smudge or space clearing?
Have you walked into a home or office and had that feeling something is not right?
Have you ever had a string of problems with career, health, relationships or money?
Then a sacred smudge might be what you need to clear any lingering negative energy and to promote abundance in your life.
When should I do a sacred smudge or space clearing?
Moving house or a new home purchase
New baby
New relationship
End a relationship
Starting a business
Changing job
If you are ill and having trouble getting better
How to use Sacred Smudge Sticks
Light the end of the Smudge Stick and place a bowl or plate underneath as you cleanse to ensure no ash drops or burns the floor. Concentrate on all corners of the space, paying particular attention to areas you don’t usually go near to remove stagnant energy and create positive, flowing energy.