Essential Oils & Yoga Poses: Meditation / Inner...
Yoga Asana Practice: The purpose of our physical yoga practice is to balance our energy centres, to find alignment physically, mentally, and emotionally, while preparing the body and mind for...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses: Meditation / Inner...
Yoga Asana Practice: The purpose of our physical yoga practice is to balance our energy centres, to find alignment physically, mentally, and emotionally, while preparing the body and mind for...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Sa...
Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) Purpose, Spirituality, Enlightenment Blocked by Ego & Attachment Focus Pose: Head Stand In this pose we challenge our perspective on life as we turn upside...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Sa...
Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) Purpose, Spirituality, Enlightenment Blocked by Ego & Attachment Focus Pose: Head Stand In this pose we challenge our perspective on life as we turn upside...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Aj...
Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) Intuition, Awareness, Focus Blocked by Illusion Focus Pose: Downward Facing Dog This pose lets your focus move inwards as it allows you to feel calm...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Aj...
Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) Intuition, Awareness, Focus Blocked by Illusion Focus Pose: Downward Facing Dog This pose lets your focus move inwards as it allows you to feel calm...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Vi...
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Communication, Authenticity, Self-Expression Blocked by Lies Focus Pose: Fish As we spend our life rushing around with our head down, Fish pose is a great way...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Vi...
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Communication, Authenticity, Self-Expression Blocked by Lies Focus Pose: Fish As we spend our life rushing around with our head down, Fish pose is a great way...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: An...
Anahata (Heart Chakra) Love, Healing, Compassion Blocked by Grief Focus Pose: Cobra Renowned for its opening of the heart chakra. As you ground down through hands and tops of feet...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: An...
Anahata (Heart Chakra) Love, Healing, Compassion Blocked by Grief Focus Pose: Cobra Renowned for its opening of the heart chakra. As you ground down through hands and tops of feet...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Ma...
Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Manifestation, Wisdom, Joy Blocked by Shame Focus Pose: Plank In this pose our attention is at our centre, activating the core, firing the belly and...
Essential Oils & Yoga Poses For The Chakras: Ma...
Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Manifestation, Wisdom, Joy Blocked by Shame Focus Pose: Plank In this pose our attention is at our centre, activating the core, firing the belly and...